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22 Jul   2024

Cleopatra Hospitals Group Signs Memorandum of Understanding with King Salman International University

Cleopatra Hospitals Group (CHG) is delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with King Salman International University (KSIU). This collaboration marks a significant step towa…

07 Apr   2024

Al Shorouk Hospital Awarded With the “GAHAR” Accreditation

Because of our commitment to excellence and the consistent high quality of medical care we offer to our patients, Al Shorouk Hospital has earned the prestigious GAHAR Accreditation (General Authority …

25 Mar   2024

Cleopatra Hospitals Group Attains Recognition on Egyptian Doctors Day

During the celebratory events of the Egyptian Doctors Day organized by Egypt’s Healthcare Authority, CHG has been hailed for its exceptional healthcare services and its distinguished staff. Dr. Ahmed …